Saturday 18 June 2011

cher journal

Dear diary. . .
how did this whole dear diary thing come up anyway?who said that people could just wake up one day and start referring to a diary like a human being?bites me!

I have so many answered things in my mind.Am I being over ambitious with this whole blog thing.Really I have never sat down to write my start with they are so jambled up it would be like reading a book from the middle theN skipping the end and going to where it begins.hope i'll get the hang of it but thanx for listening anyway.

temptations.forbiddedn fruit definately tastes sweetest the aftermath guilt is what is the I just couldn't resist know that awkward feeling you get when you do something so wrong and you totally enjoyed it!!yeah I just couldnt help it.I realised that there's a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable.question is:what is it about this charm that I just could'nt resist?When they told me that where it is chaste it is not art I went so deep into it that it made no sense.when u get so deep into it is it art?at one point it becomes chaste,it becomes valuable,it becomes more than that which is forbidden.and that is where the distinction comes in.I dont think what i did is forbidden.either that or amjust justifying my guilt."Let none take fruit unless he take the tree"I really want to believe shakespear.if u start off why not finish?it all goes down to sacrifice.Guess I should just try and figure out if the charm is too much that I cant help it but eat the whole tree.VANITY!!